Los Angeles
What should representation in the “multi-everything city” of Los Angeles look like?
What problems will Proportional RCV solve for Los Angeles democracy?
LA needs a study about impacts of Proportional RCV vs districts for city council elections
“So how does proportional ranked choice voting work?“
Wondering how P-RCV works? How the ballots are counted? This is the FAQ for you
EDUCATIONAL VIDEO: Watch this short video to see how Proportional Ranked Choice Voting works in multi-seat elections, including how voters vote, how the ballots are counted and why it’s the fairest method to elect representatives and ensure broad representation and competitive elections.
• Recommendations for Independent Redistricting and Los Angeles City Council Size: The Ad Hoc Gov Reform Committee must request an immediate report back on the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) as a potential component of the reforms being considered. The Ad Hoc Gov Reform Committee must request an immediate report back on hybrid at-large & multi-member district designs & conditions under which they would be acceptable for the City of Los Angeles.
By FairRepLA Coalition. August 2023.
• LA needs to consider using Proportional Representation for city council elections. Letter to City Council President Paul Krekorian from former Santa Monica Mayor Michael Feinstein: “Los Angeles faces a historic opportunity for reform…the truth is everyone deserves representation.”
By Michael Feinstein. DemocracySOS. June 28, 2023
• The Scope of Ad Hoc Committee on LA City Governance Reform is Insufficient.
By Michael Feinstein. CityWatchLA. May 4, 2023
• Public Comment: Green Party concerns with the insufficient scope of the Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform
April 12, 2023
• Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong: the unfair under-representation of Latinos in LA
Any real solutions to fair multi-racial representation needs to acknowledge some difficult realities. The tragedy of LA’s rotten racial politics? There’s a real solution.
By Steven Hill. Democracy SoS. October 26, 2022
• LA could choose proportional representation to elect multi-racial diversity
And no, an independent redistricting commission will not fix it.
By Steven Hill. Democracy SoS. October 14, 2022
• Opinion: The answer to candidates dropping out (and more) is ranked choice voting
By Michael Feinstein, Los Angeles Daily News. Southern California News Group. June 4, 2022
• America’s cities need multi-party democracy in Los Angeles and beyond, one party government means parochialism and stasis. By Stan Oklobdzija. Slow Boring Blog/Newsletter. Oct 2, 2021
• Portland, Oregon adopts proportional ranked choice voting after charter review commission recommends it
– City of Portland Transition to a larger city council elected by ranked-choice voting.
City of Portland, Oregon.
– Portland City Council adopts new election system that will lead to vigorous voter education campaign.
City of Portland, Oregon press release, April 19, 2023.
– Portland Charter Commission Review Process that led to adoption of proportional ranked-choice voting.
City of Portland, Oregon.
– How Proportional Ranked-Choice Voting Works.
City of Portland, Oregon.
– Portland shows the way – representation in “Multi-everything” Cities.
By Steven Hill. Democracy SoS. October 14, 2022
• Eastpoint, Michigan adopts proportional ranked choice voting to settle Federal Voting Rights Act case.
Fairvote. June 6, 2019
• Proportional RCV Information
Proportional RCV is a voting method used around the world and widely considered to be fairer, more inclusive, and more democratic than the winner-take-all voting systems we typically see in the United States. Adopting Proportional RCV in more places within the U.S. would help to solve many of the problems currently afflicting American elections, including low turnout, gerrymandering, the two-party monopoly, and the under-representation of women and minorities. Fairvote.